Sunday, January 4, 2009

Know the Signs you're in the Wrong Job

You might be doing a job but soon realize that you are not fit for the job. There are many signs which can let you know that the job is not for you. You can be a football player but you might feel better at swimming. This really gives only one sign and that is that you should be a swimmer rather than football player. Similarly, you can look at some other jobs. You will feel many times that you are not fit for the following job. I would like to give you some signs which might indicate that you are in wrong job.

I would like to list some signs which you can notice if you are not in right job:

1.You may find the other employees working silently whereas your mind goes roaming here and their. For example you can be asked to work as an RF engineer and you might be thinking about the optical fiber. Surely you will not enjoy in RF department. You would have been better in OFC department. The similar case can arise in different kind of jobs. You can be in finance department and you might be thinking about marketing. This is really a ridicules condition to be in. this is just not a wastage of your time but the company too is losing some very precious time.

2.The second thing which you might notice that though you complete your job in proper way, you still feel that you can have completed some other job in far better way. This is also one such signs that you are not in the right job.

3.You might be getting less salary. You might think that you can get more salary in some other job. Hence it is better that you join that job because it clearly indicates that you are in wrong job.

4.You might sometime notice that though you are doing the job properly but you are not gaining new knowledge for your better future. This is the most important sign for you not being in right job. I would really insist you on this behalf that you should really join some other job because that will increase you knowledge in right way. You will surely be a beneficiary if you join the right job.

5.You might sometime feel that your salary is not increasing as others and you are not also promoted. This can really be very be a sign either you are not capable or you are not in correct department. Hence you should really join the job where you will get the promotion easily.
I would really insist you to keep all this in mind and find out whether you are in right job or not

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